How do you like your tea? One chibi or two?
A weekly web comic at the margins of pop culture and politics
Published on Mondays with occassional refills
Twitter: @SipsTeaParty
Fan Fave! Naka Do & Oyo Yo Sips Tea Party Series (Origami Cranes) Sold #ExclusivelyonRedbubble➡️… https://t.co/W5sSUuPoOt
RT @ArchdukeRedcat: Hey it's my mom and Granddad, political cartoonists, and the exhibit for their work to show how long these seemingl… https://t.co/pAW8KZcwjV
RT @PopulistDemand: Comic lovers, nerds and historians.... LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! ⬇️ #STILL with #BarbaraBrandonCroft and… https://t.co/BP5v1D0dXX
Facebook: Sips Tea Party Comic
Created by Vs the Bad Guys & Onjena Yo