STATEMENTS: Medialia Gallery & The Ethyr Presents: Aim, Destroy, Transform: Play for Change Toy Show :: November 2017 :: NYC :: Rocko Rocket by Rodney Jackson & Yolande Clark-Jackson

Rocko Rocket is a character that represents the joy that comes with following your dreams.He looks up toward the sky even though his dreams go beyond the stars. He represents limitless possibility and faith and promotes resilience and perseverance.
Rocko is the main character of the children's picture book, Rocko's Big Launch, but his message is for dreamers of all ages.
~ Yolande & Rodney Jackson
Yolande & Rodney Jackson
Twitter: @RJacksonART
Instagram: @rjacksonworks | @rockorocket
Facebook: Rocko Rocket
Website: |
AIM, DESTROY, TRANSFORM: Play For Change: A group show of toys, games and figures at Medialia Gallery