STATEMENTS: Medialia Gallery & The Ethyr Presents: Aim, Destroy, Transform: Play for Change Toy Show :: November 2017 :: NYC :: Steph Curry Figure with statement by Uraeus of Black Heroes Matter

Steph Curry..... man..... myth..... legend. An icon in his prime.
Undersized gunslinger in a valley of redwoods. Superhero baller with greased lightning quickness, and handles that break more ankles than a Shaolin Master.
They doubted he could play in the league. They doubted his heart. They doubted his ability to get shots off.... his ability to create off the dribble.
"Too small," they said. "From a too small school."
"His skill set will never translate in today's game."
So he changed the game. A one-man revolution who plays the game at a level we've only seen a handful achieve.... and he's just getting warmed up.
This figure captures the essence of a champion. Family man. Businessman. Black man. Role model.
The total package.
~ Uraeus
Uraeus of Black Heroes Matter
Twitter: @BHMatter
Instagram: @blackheroesmatter
AIM, DESTROY, TRANSFORM: Play For Change: A group show of toys, games and figures at Medialia Gallery