EXHIBIT: The Ethyr Presents: The Little Things :: Mini Pop Up
/ Onjena Yo

The Ethyr presents:
"The Little Things"
A mini pop up art exhibit featuring the following creatives:
Nelson Asencio | Shirley Asencio/Sahjah | Marcus Kwame Anderson | Benny Bacy from Erica Kimberly's The Ivory Toad Collection | Brumsic Brandon Jr. | Barbara Brandon-Croft | Selina Briggs of The Jelly Empire | Taylored Curiosities | Rodney Jackson | Kilroy III of Kilroy's Attic | Frankie Lynne | Tracy Mothershed | Vs the Bad Guys of Medialia Gallery & Sips Tea Party Comic | Grey Williamson of Carbon-Fibre Media & Val-Mar Comic | Jen Wojtowicz | Ashley Woods | Onjena Yo of Carbon-Fibre Media & Sips Tea Party Comic
Connect with us on twitter @TheEthyr & #TheLittleThings

Curated by Onjena Yo
Virtual Tour of "The Little Things"
Connect with us on twitter @TheEthyr & #TheLittleThings