EXHIBIT: Medialia Gallery & The Ethyr Presents: From Panel to Panel: Read for Change Comic and Picture Book Exhibit :: March - April 2018 :: NYC
/ Tara Nakashima Donahue and Onjena Yo
Medialia Gallery and The Ethyr presents:
From Panel to Panel: Read for Change: A group show of original and print cartoons, comics, illustrations and picture books
Artists: Marcus Kwame Anderson | Nelson Asencio | Brumsic Brandon Jr. | Barbara Brandon-Croft | Jenn Cruté | André LeRoy Davis | T. N. Donahue | Micheline Hess | Rodney Jackson | Alitha Martinez | Frank Reynoso | Patrice & Regine Sawyer | Whit Taylor | Grey Williamson | Jen Wojtowicz | Ashley Woods | Sarah Woolley | Onjena Yo
Co-Curators: T. N. Donahue & Onjena Yo
Exhibit: March 10th - April 28th, 2018
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 10th, 3PM - 6PM
Follow the hashtags #FromPaneltoPanel & #ReadforChange on Social Media
Medialia ... Rack and Hamper Gallery
335 West 38th Street, 4th Foor, New York, New York 10018
About Medialia ... Rack and Hamper Gallery
Established in 1993, Medialia ... Rack and Hamper Gallery specializes in small, affordable works by international artists, including: book art, medallic sculpture, small sculpture, transformable sculpture, wearable sculpture, wall hangings and comic art exhibits. Work of gallery artists is exhibited on a continual basis, along with special one-person and group exhibitions by international artists.